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ooh slow motionsuch a great song.
I'm thinking now that having "Harmonium" released at the same time as Britney and other big hitters will be good for her, b/c those big names will get people in the stores and then they'll see VC's cd and pick it up, maybe.
I don't think people buying Em will have Vanessa cd too.
Quote from: "clamicas"^hey, was it you who said a while back that stephan liked hidden bonus tracks? I reember reading here something like that :? so there might still be one more hidden bonnus track? maybe ? this is true. there's a hidden bonus on two of their three albums (i believe...i can't remember if slow motion was a hidden track or not...or was there a hidden track after slow motion?)that'd be cool if there was a hidden track on her cd
^hey, was it you who said a while back that stephan liked hidden bonus tracks? I reember reading here something like that :? so there might still be one more hidden bonnus track? maybe ?
There is a U2 song with that name. (It's on their "the Joshua tree" album) I was wondering if a cover was going to appear on Harmonium. So it looks like there is, unless it's just a coincidence.
If the Japanese version is released tomorrow, you can pay a shitload of money and have it imported. How much is it worth to you to have it before everyone else? It does matter, even if you don't live in Japan.