All is jolly in the land of Bdub today....
lately things around me have been a little hectic, but I got some great news today, that has made me the happiest I've been in a long long time....two things....
Firstly, my girlfriend had been trying to buy this town house. Her and her parents sold their home and are closing on Aug. 30th. So they were looking for a place and found the perfect town house. They put in a bid, but someone else matched it. They put in a second bid, and that some people came close again. The owners decided to go with the other people due to the fact that they could get things done a little quicker. We were all kinna bumbed when we found that out yesterday....but girlfriends realtor (also her brother in-law) decided that they could bid even higher, and still have enough money in the end after selling their own place.....AND THEY GOT IT. So that was the second bit of excellent news that I received today....but the first bit is even better....
About a month or so ago, doctors found cysts (tumors) on my mother's ovaries. She had surgery on Monday, and the docs did a complete hysterectomy(spelling?), basically taking out her entire reproductive system. They sent everything to a lab to test it for cancer. Today we got the news that she is cancer free.
These two things were some of the major things I've been praying to God for...among a lot of other things...and both prayers were answered within the matter of hours...
So...I love God...God rules all....long live God...