(note: Vanessa is wearing 4 black *fu...uhhh....jelly*Bracelets, and one Pink one
(at least i think the pink thing is one of those bracelets)) obviously just for looks, not the dirty meanings hopefully.. hehe...
anywho, this is Vanessa doing a little bow thingy, or posing or whatever(or in the middle of doing that)
..pic of Vanessa leaving..
Pic of Vanessa going from regular piano to the other one to play C'est La Vie
...i donno, but she's up..
playing that yummy, YUMMY piano ;-)
Vanessa leaving or something...
yay!!! piano!!
yay! the Low Millions
..i had another picture of them (well.. the one guy) and it was the first picture i took with that camera,
and the flash didnt go off, so it was really dark,
and i dont think its worth posting.
(it took
forever to scan/upload these :roll: )