.....it does not come easily for me most of the time. I have confidence issues because it always seems like other artists (like Vanessa) are so much more naturally talented than I am, but I really want to be an inspiration to anyone who's ever felt like an underdog...anyone who wants to do something, but feels like they can't. I didn't even THINK of trying to write a song until I was about 21 because I didn't think I COULD. It seemed so impossible. So it's pretty cool to be able to prove yourself wrong over & over again, one step at a time. I just want you guys to know that I certainly appreciate your wonderful comments, but anything "amazing" that comes out of me is the result of simply the desire to create something great - no matter how long it takes.
I hope you understand my point. This is such a long post! lol
I just have to remind myself that Vanessa (or another artist) writes her own fantastic music... but she couldn't write MY music, because nobody can do that except me... and the same applies to you. No-one else can write to express Shannon Thomas' thoughts and feelings, know what I mean? And I have to say that the lyrics for Intruder are cool. I like dark-ish songs!
You just gave me the motivation to write my own stuff! 8O :wink:
Aw. :oops: That makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! Let me know how you go!
Shannon those new lyrics are great! Haven't listened yet, due to my computer's problems with myspace
But I'm looking forward to listening when I'm at my boyfriend's house soon!
Also I'm gonna record some live tracks soon! (Over the next couple of weeks... this will prove I do actually write songs, I'm not just bullshitting, lol) :lol: