Shameless? Yes. This is a post promoting my own music...
The reason is because I recently took a huge step and quit my day job and moved to a new city and began a tour of the US. I stopped listening to my head and listened to my heart, all in the name of music. However, my bills are slowly mounting and I could really use some support.
I have put my album onsale at CD Baby for April. It's $10 + shipping if you buy it through them.
Or you can look at in the store and either send $11 via pay pal (to for After Silence or $25 for all 3 of my albums. And I'll include some stickers and postcards and if you whine enough I'll send you a poster too.
I would REALLY appreciate it. The album is a mix of piano/guitar/etc songs backed by an extremely good band... I am really proud of this album and it is a bit heavier/deeper than what you hear on the radio, but the tunes grow on you and are pretty to listen to
Thanks so much for your support!!!
