I have also used the same argument that PianoGirl is using, that as a man you will never have an equal understanding of the pain involved in birthing a child or the emotional and physical strain put onto a woman. I know that women will also be what they enjoy calling "pro-life" and I think that I would be more open and willing to hear their opinions than a man's. It would be the same as me trying to descibe what an erection feels like in full detail--it is one of the things that I know I cannot possibly accurately feel and I know that and I respect that and so I move on.
I also, even at my relatively young age, know what it is like to be treated less fairly that the boys--who are blind to it. I have personally seen outright disregard for Title 9 in my own school, so for you who say that "feminism has gone too far" is misleading. Many of its fights have not gone far enough and are ignored.
And, perhaps, I never made my beliefs clear. If the woman finds out that her child will be at some disadvantage (ie. mental or physical disorder, or AIDS perhaps) or if that child will be born into an unloving household, that child will grow up finding it difficult to be a normal functioning member of society. That is not fair to the child. Abortion should not be used in place of safe sex or be seen as an imediate option, it should be a last resort but a resort nonetheless.
But that is not a good pro-abortion argument any more than an overcrowded and underfunded prison system is a good argument to legalise the most popular crimes.
May I point out that our criminal justice systems have already done that. Personal example: One of my neighbors, who was not a minor at the time, stabbed someone in the chest. He was sent to prison for one year and is now home. Our armed forces, who recently overturned the rule that a new entry must have a clean record free of criminal activity, has just accepted him. We have lowered our standards quite a bit in the American Correctional system.
When abortion was illegal in the early 20th century, women who desperately wanted or needed, yes I said needed, the procedure would resort to unsafe and dirty environments to do so. Many of these women died of severe infections.
The fact that you are saying that this is not a gender rights issue is just unbelievable, it is something that affects one gender and is being decided on by people of the oposite sex. I know what you are trying to say, that it affects one sex so you cannot have equality, but I don't see the big picture that way. You, as men, will never have the physical responsibility of birthing a child, a woman will. Granted. But, as long as that child is a part of the woman, is living off of the woman, if that woman gets pregent in a situation where she had no control, a rape maybe, you (as in the "pro-life"rs are going to tell her that she has to go through 9 months of agony and suffering, have the unwanted child, and then you suggest adoption. Adoption is not a working option in all cases so to use a blanket answer is shameful.
Now the naming thing, if you guys can sugarcoat you claim that you are "pro-life" then we can say that we are "pro-choice". Pro-life is misleading especially since President Bush, who has called himself "pro-life" started a war with no reason, at least not one that was true, we can call ourselves "pro-choice", or we can make bumper stickers that say, "pro-life by choice" whatever you prefer.
I think that this is a states rights issue.
Jon Stewert is an American Treasure.
And yes, I also enjoy arguing quite a bit which is why I have perpetuated this one.