While that is indeed sweet. We'll have to wait and see if they have replaced the baseball bats in Streets Of Rage III with bunches of flowers.
Right, because I seem to recall REmake, Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, Killer 7, and Metroid Prime among others being pretty non-kiddy.
I like, many others bought Mortal Kombat on the Genesis because of the blood/sweat fiasco (Ahh, Kano's fatality! :twisted:), but Nintendo has obvoiusly changed it's policy towards violent videogames since the SNES era. Even on the N64, we got games like Duke Nukem and Quake 64.
And you know you like the "kiddy" games, too. Animal Crossing and Mario Kart are the shit. :wink:
Yeah, the name was stupid at first, I mean, the Revolution was an awesome name.. but the Wii grew on me.
It's all about the Wii and the 360 this gen. I have no desire to get Blu-Ray at the moment, especiallly in a Playstation. DRE FTL.