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Messages - rosieposy87

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Completely Off-Topic / Happy Independence Day everyone!!
« on: July 04, 2005, 11:48:24 pm »
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
BOVERED about independence day! At least here we just say our days off are blatant attempts to have a long weekend, rather than pretending they actually mean something!

What the heck "bovered" means?
And like Independence Day doesn't mean anything... :roll:

LMAO Ghis, you show your lack of intelligence again. Oh and will you please remind yourself that you're NOT American?

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / VC Song Interpretations
« on: July 04, 2005, 11:41:15 am »
I felt like The One was about John Mayer- i don't know why. But its not really fully clear who it was. It might've even been the boy from White Houses.

Completely Off-Topic / Live 8
« on: July 04, 2005, 10:15:16 am »
Oooh it was SO good to finally see footage of Dave Matthews Band live! I had been hoping to see it for such a long time! Madonna cannot sing for toffee. I hope this actually changes things though and makes Bush see he shouldn't just do 'what is right for america' (as he said on his ITN interview tonight).

Completely Off-Topic / Happy Independence Day everyone!!
« on: July 04, 2005, 10:12:38 am »
BOVERED about independence day! At least here we just say our days off are blatant attempts to have a long weekend, rather than pretending they actually mean something!

Polls / Hot pics of V
« on: June 27, 2005, 03:40:23 am »
Quote from: "Lucy"
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Am I the only one who thinks that pic A is hotter?  :?

I completely agree with you. She has a more natural beauty here and I think she looks better so I chose A too.

Agreed! She looks so odd in picture B! Don't see how anyone could think that was hot.

Completely Off-Topic / Haha Brits!
« on: June 24, 2005, 07:19:49 am »
Graks, thats just American opportunism. They want to be on the side of someone who wins. Obviously you're going to opt to support Beckham over some rubbish American football player.

Every year we watch Tim Henman be thrashed somewhere around the quarter finals and every year we think he's going to win. Every World Cup or European Championship we still get in a massive flurry of excitement and think we're going to win and its always somehow the 'ref's fault'. Still can't decide if we're patriotic or just idiots. Probably both.

Completely Off-Topic / Haha Brits!
« on: June 24, 2005, 03:10:02 am »
I say couldn't because THATS WHAT MAKES SENSE. Again, Todd shows us he is thick as a plank.

Live Shows / 6/21/2005: Joe's Pub- New York, NY (review)
« on: June 23, 2005, 10:46:01 am »
That dress is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 2
« on: June 23, 2005, 10:39:18 am »
Quote from: "Lucy"
I know! I normally do wear tights I was just doing some exercises so I couldn't be bothered!

Lmao, i was getting worried for you! Some ballet teachers are eeeevil. "You will only wear lambswool! None of those funny padded things!"

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 2
« on: June 23, 2005, 10:19:09 am »
Put some tights on girl! You're going to bleed even more than usual!

Completely Off-Topic / Re: Haha Brits!
« on: June 23, 2005, 10:17:28 am »
Quote from: "Katia's Lover"
Quote from: "NESSAussie"
Quote from: "Katia's Lover"
Henman is dead!  Finished!  Gone!

American tennis reigns supreme!

  1 Federer, Roger
  2 Hewitt, Lleyton
  3 Nadal, Rafael
  4 Roddick, Andy :usa:
  5 Safin, Marat
  6 Agassi, Andre :usa:
  7 Davydenko, Nikolay
  8 Canas, Guillermo
  9 Henman, Tim
10 Johansson, Joachim

2/10 isn't anything to be getting to excited about as far as the men's rankings :P

Simply because Americans could care less.  If Americans actually gave a damn, they'd have at least 5 of the top ten.

LMAO, whats sad is that you actually believe that.

Oh and pour me a pint of BOVERED about Tim Henman! I think you fail to realise that Andy Murray just one his game in styyyyle.

Oh and also stop to consider how large your country is- you have more than 200 million people in your country whereas we have 60 million- care to think why perhaps you produce better tennis players?

Polls / Sex before Marriage?
« on: June 23, 2005, 10:12:19 am »
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "kev222"
Quote from: "TSE"
Quote from: "kev222"
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Bad Kev.

It's "He or she" not "they"

Pah, they never taught me that in school. Instead I've got to hear it 7 years later on an internet chat board. It's a small wonder I did so badly in English.


 8O Didn't you ever wonder how one person could be "they?"

You'd think so wouldn't you. But then again, I am an idiot.


I have always written 'they' in reference to a single person and i have never got anything less than an A in every exam i have taken. I got A*s in both English language and literature!

 Moreover, i find it funny that Americans seem to take particular care with grammar and criticise us for it, when you are the ones who botched our language in the first place. 'Thru' instead of 'through' is just one of the ways in which you have massacred the english language. I rest my case.

Sweet heart, it's not an American thing.  It's an ENGLISH thing.  IT's true of British Grammar too.  I know, because I've had this conversation with a limey on another forum.

Don't babble about your A's.  That just means your teacher didn't care.

And it's YOU europeans and your txt messages that came up with things like "thru", not Americans.  We didn't do that.  You did.

Use your head for a minute and think about it.  THEY is PLURAL.  HE and SHE are singular.  It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

My point was not whether it is correct grammar or not- but simply that it is a perfectly acceptable thing to say. My point was that i find it amusing how Americans insist on correct grammar and place such a huge emphasis on it when so many cannot even write coherently, let alone well.

My As were externally marked by a set of independent examiners who marked 1000s of scripts from across the country, not a teacher dear.

Oh and HAHA for being proven wrong about 'thru'- in NYC i saw signs which said 'thru street' which clearly indicates that your botching of the English language has nothing to do with 'european' text messaging.

Polls / Sex before Marriage?
« on: June 23, 2005, 07:40:59 am »
Quote from: "kev222"
Quote from: "TSE"
Quote from: "kev222"
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Bad Kev.

It's "He or she" not "they"

Pah, they never taught me that in school. Instead I've got to hear it 7 years later on an internet chat board. It's a small wonder I did so badly in English.


 8O Didn't you ever wonder how one person could be "they?"

You'd think so wouldn't you. But then again, I am an idiot.


I have always written 'they' in reference to a single person and i have never got anything less than an A in every exam i have taken. I got A*s in both English language and literature!

 Moreover, i find it funny that Americans seem to take particular care with grammar and criticise us for it, when you are the ones who botched our language in the first place. 'Thru' instead of 'through' is just one of the ways in which you have massacred the english language. I rest my case.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Avatars and Signatures
« on: June 21, 2005, 09:18:33 am »
All together now: BOVERED!

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Napoleon Dynamite
« on: June 19, 2005, 11:32:03 am »
This was a good film- hard to get in places and quite a love it or hate it film. Found some parts of it really hilarious, and others not at all.

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