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Messages - Manda

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Polls / Holidays
« on: August 14, 2008, 10:14:40 pm »
Christmas, my Grandfather died on Christmas Eve but it was always his favorite. He loved to cook a big dinner and watch the grandchildren open all of the gifts (I have 30 first cousins) and then he and my Grandmother would hand out cards to us on top of all our gifts with money and then each family would give them gifts to open in front of the fireplace. Some people might be  sad to celebrate after what happened, but it was his favorite and it still feels like he's there with us every christmas eve.

Other Musicians / UH HUH HER
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:21:31 am »
I'm a HUGE fan of Uh Huh Her

The CD Common Reaction comes out August 19, 2008!

Less than a week away. (Yes, Leisha Hailey from The L Word is one of the lead singers) But please don't buy the CD just because of that!

The songs are great, you can listen to some clips on myspace

check out the website here:

Please check them out and help out if you can.

Polls / Do you wear makeup? (for girls)
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:04:09 am »
haha in LA girls in middle school and high school start caking it on and it just gets worse. I like when its light and natural, not when it makes you look like a completely different person. I think its just supposed to enhance your features and cover up here and there. Our generation is going overboard.

Polls / Do you wear makeup? (for girls)
« on: August 12, 2008, 02:59:32 pm »
Its great make up Emmy (sorry if I got your name wrong), its a little expensive and I bought the starter kit for $60 at Sephora because the Bare Escentuals store doesn't sell it. I also picked up some eye shadows and blush. It feels really nice, you get three brushes but you really only need the kabuki brush or the small concealer, and it comes with a moisturizer first that gives your face a soft glow with the make up and blends with the powder. You only use small amounts, and its really all you need. It is really natural and light. It also comes with a DVD, my cousin and I watched it and its pretty helpful. You should try the starter kit if you can find it. Let me know how it works for you if you decide to pick it up sometime.

Polls / Do you miss Vanessa's "Dark Side"?
« on: August 12, 2008, 01:17:46 pm »
I miss it, I can't stand songs like "come undone." I miss songs like the original "pretty baby" not the radio edit (although that one was good too). I liked "fools like me" live but not the CD version, its too pop for me. Maybe the next album will have more of be not nobody to it.

Polls / Do you wear makeup? (for girls)
« on: August 12, 2008, 01:13:44 pm »
I use Bare Escentuals pretty much everyday, it feels great. I used to use MAC but it felt so heavy on my face and made me break out often and I've never really had acne or a problem with that. My cousin did my make up for a show once and it felt so natural and looked great! I definitely recommend it to anyone especially if you have dry skin like me.

Live Shows / 8/8/08 - Chicago House of Blues (Review)
« on: August 12, 2008, 01:08:25 pm »
I don't care if people bash on me, but it was a terrible performance. The worst I have seen. I flew out to Chicago from LA to see her, I was in the foundations room/VIP with Joshua Radin and some others and it was sad to hear people saying, "Ew, I don't want to see Vanessa Carlton." I just kept quiet hoping the show would prove them wrong...I don't know if she was sick, her voice is shot for good, but it was awful. She seemed like she didn't care, she said she would be in the back signing merch because her management told her so. She looked irritated and she wasn't as chatty or friendly with fans or during the performance and I've seen her plenty of times to know. I was disappointed but I didn't let it ruin the rest of my trip in the windy city. Bash all you want, I don't know who she is anymore.

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Twilight Series
« on: August 01, 2008, 10:12:53 pm »
I'm going too. Have fun!

Completely Off-Topic / need help recreating a look.
« on: July 04, 2008, 10:14:12 pm »
Just wondering...are you gay or metrosexual?

good luck finding and recreating women's clothing.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / [Us Magazine] V Backing Obama
« on: July 04, 2008, 10:10:19 pm »
Quote from: "Steveau"
Quote from: "Manda"
I'll only vote for Barack Obama if Hillary Clinton is the VP, otherwise I still stand with the millions of other women and loyal clinton supporters who will either NOT vote or will be voting for John McCain within the next few months. After all he said and put her through...I cannot easily cross the line and vote for him. I wonder if Vanessa got a nice donation like all the others who backed Obama.

I was a Hillary voter too but since Obama is now the nominee I will vote for him despite the fact that I think Hillary would have done a better job. I really don't understand the logic of a Hillary supporter voting for McCain just to protest her not getting the nomination. Do you really think she wants you to vote a Republican into office? That's the kind of logic that got us 8 years of Bush. That really bugs me about the Democrats. I believe you have to support the party over a candidate when all is said and done in the National Election. I HATED having to vote for Kerry last election but I did because there's no way I wanted a Republican to win. As Democrats, our mortal enemies should be Republicans not other Democrats that said bad things about the people we supported during the campaign. That's what happens in politics. You're not going to win by complimenting your opponents.
I would strongly urge all Hillary voters not to vote if they truly can't vote for Obama but please don't vote for McCain because that would take 2 more votes to overcome so if you do vote for him and he wins you have no right to complain about him because you got what you asked for.

It is not only because Hillary lost that I decided to vote for McCain.

lets go back in time to the Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting over Michigan and Florida, remember that? Oh yes! Obama dismissing it over and OVER again, putting his foot down so the votes would not be counted. In the end, the RBC decided to split the votes down the middle. You have got to be friggin kidding me. He pulled his name off the ballot. HRC was not stupid, she knew every vote counted and she left her name there and Obama was in a LIST of uncommitted she won 50%-33% and they split it down the middle?! And to really add to that, they TOOK FOUR OF HER DELEGATES and gave them to Barack Obama. What the hell for? So he could clinch the nomination by ONE delegate. Otherwise it would have been taken to Denver, but you know what? Obama, Osama, Odrama, has everyone in his pocket. Like Donna Brazile (a HUGE supporter of Obama) who was part of the RBC. He destroyed the party, not Hillary. She won the popular vote, she won states that mattered in the General Election and he should have pulled out. He racked up small states that won't help him in the GE and he was a good fundraiser! (Oh and he's not accepting public funding anymore, another wishy washy move from Obama)

I was disgusted by the Democratic Party and the RBC, so now I'm going to the GOP.

On Iraq, Obama said Thursday that his upcoming trip there might lead him to refine his promise to quickly remove U.S. troops from the war.

He now supports broader authority for the government's eavesdropping program and legal immunity for telecommunications companies that participated in it, supporting the bill after some protections were added.

The handgun control proponent reacted to the Supreme Court overturning the District of Columbia's gun ban by saying he favors both an individual's right to own a gun as well as government's right to regulate ownership.

Obama became the first major-party candidate to reject public financing for the general election after earlier promises to accept it.

He not only embraced but promised to expand Bush's program to give more anti-poverty grants to religious groups, a split with Democratic orthodoxy.

He objected to the Supreme Court's decision outlawing the death penalty for child rapists, drawing attention to his support for the death penalty if used only for the "most egregious" crimes.

Obama also said "mental distress" should not count as a health exception that would permit a late-term abortion, saying "it has to be a serious physical issue," addressing a matter considered crucial to abortion rights activists.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / [Us Magazine] V Backing Obama
« on: July 01, 2008, 11:08:42 pm »
Thank you, I'm not the only one voting for John McCain. He does have experience and Barack Obama does not. That is very important to me. Barack Obama doesn't have answers or plans as to what he will do with the gas prices, jobs/unemployment, and he's already changed his statement as to when he will actually be able to pull the troops out of Iraq. Thanks but no thanks, he needs Hillary's experience and plans to bring change.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / [Us Magazine] V Backing Obama
« on: July 01, 2008, 12:24:57 am »
I'll only vote for Barack Obama if Hillary Clinton is the VP, otherwise I still stand with the millions of other women and loyal clinton supporters who will either NOT vote or will be voting for John McCain within the next few months. After all he said and put her through...I cannot easily cross the line and vote for him. I wonder if Vanessa got a nice donation like all the others who backed Obama.

Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
The Happening. I semi liked the movie but as it went on I liked it less. Plus the ending just killed it. The ending was just horrible. Never going to watch that one again. After Signs, M. whatever his name is *its way to long and I don't know how to spell it* he's just gone down hill. The Village, The lady in the water, and Now this one. He's just lost his touch.

I agree! So disappointing, I loved Signs and some of his older films.

I saw Get Smart, I think Steve Carrell is one of the most annoying actors. He tries too hard to be funny when he's not. Everything he does to be funny is predictable, I already know what he's going to do or say to get a laugh.

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Twilight Series
« on: June 21, 2008, 12:59:06 pm »
Yeah, I'm over Kristen Stewart. Fame has gone to her head and she seems like a big air headed snob. Whatever. :) I like low key people in the industry anyway.

Completely Off-Topic / First Job
« on: June 20, 2008, 11:49:57 am »
I would not go back for that interview.

I had an interview similar to that, WHILE I was talking my interviewer just walked out and started saying things like, "Bill! We still on for lunch today?" I was just thinking to myself, "Oh hell no." A few days later she offered me the job and I politely declined. I do not want to work for someone who is going to treat me like that during an interview, respect is a two way street an she was obviously not respectful or polite to me.

Find something else, you don't need to put up with that. Ever.

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