2. Market to the correct audience-I honestly do not get why her labels keep on trying to push her for a younger pop audience. Her music is made for an Ac/Hot Ac/Triple A crowd. Why fight it?
I've been thinking this, too. The Inc. seems to want to pus her on the younger crowd because that's who most of their artists are marketed toward. She'd do better going with the older crowd like Nora Jones and all of those people.
Don't worry, though. Two of my other favorite artists, Cyndi Lauper and Tracy Chapman, had very successful first albums too, but people stopped buying and now they play to a loyal audience of fans, so Vanessa will continue to make music. What the Inc is trying to do is win back the ATM crowd, and it just isn't going to happen. Vanessa is growing out of that pop genre and doing more mature stuff. Hopefully The Inc. and Stevie can help keep her relevant.