So, what songs, bands, singers make you think of someone on the board as soon as you hear them or sth about them? Thought it'd be nice to post.
"The Remedy" by Mmmmmraz & "5 Days" by Patrick Nuo will forever remind me of Rosie
The rest of the Mraz CD reminds me of all the NESSAholics who went to London, esp Danny cos he was the one who gave it to me
Ev reminds me of Kev, who else? :wink:
MM = nikkee
Tori Amos makes me think of Si so much cos before hearing Si talk about her I didn't know she existed. Then I saw Scarlet's Walk in a CD shop and bought it without knowing what it was gonna sound like (basing myself in Si's music taste!
ECDL now reminds me of Zee! Funny cos they're Spanish! But they do