Wow, major shock tonight!
I didnt get to watch the show last night because I was at the Pepsi Smash taping! But my mom taped it for me and I got to watch it tonight before tonight's episode!
my order of faves:
1. Fantasia
2. Diana
3. LaToya
4. Jasmine
I was shocked when LaToya got voted off tonight! 8O
But though I was shocked... I wasn't dissapointed at all! Jasmine did deserve to go the most... but LaToya just seemed cocky to me, and I hate that, so I was kinda hoping she'd go too! I was so scared that it might have been Fantasia going home though and if it was I woulda thrown something at the TV, haha. But luckily they're safe...
Jasmine was lucky this week and she better step it up for the next week if she wants any chance of staying! But who knows, she could do a total turn around and gain respect back... but if not, it better be between Fantasia and Diana at the end!
Go Fantasia!! [/b]