White Houses is every bit as strong as ATM musically. It's just that lots of the music has been moved out of the piano part to the orchestra and guitar part. The guitar part right before "I can't resist the day" was obviously a piano part originally. If you listen, you hear other parts like this throughout the song, especially with the orchestra at the end. The song also feels fuller to me than ATM and it's catchier. The music also does a crescendo of sorts in intensity and complexity as the song approaches the bridge. The effect is rather powerful and far superior to how ATM is set up where chorus, verse, and bridge really just go from one to another without any anticipation or change in texture. The only place where ATM really has White Houses beat in musical complexity is the recurring descending riff in the right hand. That's more of a solo, however, than anything else. The actual accompaniment is definitely not any more complex than the accompaniment in White Houses.