high parts are good. I love the leap but the inward resolutions are icky... I especially dislike the compound meter *blech* I wish vanessa would stop using it please!! So far I have been underwhelmed with vanessa's new/ simpler/ and cutesy sound. Harmonies are so conventional and worn out... I wish she would try some other chords besides her diatonic ones or use some more passing modulations. I can't stand the cuteness of Vanessa's music anymore.. It sounds too much like music for kids or something.
I agree. That's why I've learned most of her songs by ear and didn't bother printing out all of the sheet music. [Well, at least it saved me money and limits on my CopiServ card.] I can't tell you how many songs that I've learned most of by ear b/c of the repetative chords. To make it sound not so boring, I have to throw in variations. As a result, I don't really play any of Van's songs exactly like her [not that I have a problem with that, but anyway...]. Moreover, V also tends to have certain keys that she plays in.
No only do Van's simple, repetative melodies are repetative and simple, her lyrics and vocal hooks are, too. Private Radio [especially the live version in the new lyrics in the bridge], Annie, Twilight, Pretty Baby, She Floats, Papa, ATM, Rinse, All I Ask, and many others have juvenille lyrics and vocal hooks. Her live version of 'The Star Spangled Banner' is defenitely No. 1 on the list; it sounds more like a 7-year-old singing than an adult. She could've sang it better than that. I've heard her do BETTER than that. Bottom line, her voice is more capable than that; I've heard it with my own ears. Many of her songs sound like something a child would write and compose. That's why I prefer learning Alicia Keys' stuff better; it's more challenging and mature and the chords and piano riffs are a little more spontaneous. It's great to be in touch with your inner child, but it comes a time to grow up, no offense.