Let me preface my comment by saying I will always love Vanessa as a personal figure and as a musician, but I don't understand why all of you are dismissing the idea that she did do it for attention. You speculate that, because her album is not yet released, this could not be a publicity stunt, for lack of a better word. This was her first public appearance in months, and this would clearly garner attention and would likely snowball until the release of her album; even once the word dies down, when the album release date approaches, media will remind us about her "coming out," and people will begin to talk about her again.
I do not have any problem with homosexuals or bisexuals or anything of the sort; I believe I am one of the most open-minded people I know, but it is my opinion that her declaration, as well as those of other celebrities, are unnecessary. I believe that bisexuality is largely a fad, and that by announcing it in such a fashion as one's sexual orientation is most likely a cry for attention. Bisexuality is controversial, arguably more so than full-out homosexuality, and that's because the validity of it in itself is questionable. In my opinion, bisexuality is not a legitimate sexual orientation; it is a half-measure for those too afraid to accept themselves as completely homosexual or a way for females to get attention.
Pansexuality, on the other hand, seems legitimate and could easily be misinterpreted as bisexuality, and I would be more likely to believe that Vanessa is pansexual rather than bisexual. Pansexuality is defined as being attracted to a person regardless of their sex. I once read an article, years ago, where a woman declared that she was hesitant to call herself a lesbian because the woman who became her life partner was the first woman she had been in love with, and said "I don't love her because she's a woman, I would love her if she were a purple alien," and I think that demonstrates the concept of pansexuality very well.
ANYWAY, I was surprised when I read that Vanessa "came out" as bisexual, but only because that seems like such a media attention-grabbing move and I have always believed her to be disinterested in fame and attention. And again, I am in no way calling Vanessa wrong, nor am I saying bisexuality is wrong, or anything like that. I simply believe that her announcement seemed a bit unnecessary.
VC love forever