exactly. squeeze a watermelon out of your penis, and then we'll talk.
Invalid comparison. Women do not give birth out of their eurethras.
PLUS, the female birth canal is DESIGNED to expand. The male eurethra is NOT.
Women LOVE to say this, but a babys head is not as big as a watermellon and the comparison between a PENIS and a BIRTH CANAL are completely silly. That's like saying snakes have it worse off because they have to eat an entire rabit in one swallow. And "YOU Try eating something that's five times bigger than your head in one bite." A Snake's jaws are designed differently for a reason.
You have no had children. I HAVE racked myself before and I assume Kev has aswell. We are speaking from first hand experience, you are speaking from supposition.
Have a child, then come back and we can debate this.